The magical SECRET to Time Management Is…

The magical SECRET to Time Management Is…

Managing You.

Manage your thoughts and emotions, and you will manage your time.

I used to delete YouTube to manage my time better…then, I’d get distracted by Netflix…

I’d tell myself “No Netflix, unless on weekends”… then, I’d get distracted by doing random tasks…

I’d then tell myself “I will sit there and fully focus!”…then, I’d get distracted by my thoughts!

“Why can’t I just sit here and do the thing!”, I’d annoyingly ask myself!

Regardless of how many “time management” tips I tried, I ALWAYS found a way to become distracted!

And that’s because the true reason I wasn’t managing my time wasn’t because of my phone, other people, or the difficulty level of tasks.

It was because of me! I was the culprit!

“It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me” 🎶

And that’s because I didn’t need to learn how to manage my time; I needed to learn how to manage my emotions: panic, fear, nerves, overwhelm, etc.

Because it was the fear that caused me to go on my phone, the overwhelm that lead to procrastination, the nerves that lead to me doing other things instead!

Most of us are afraid of our to do lists, school, work, etc.

Our subconscious beliefs of it being too hard, taking too much time, failing, not being able to figure it out, etc lead to the emotions of fear, anxiety, overwhelm, and panic.

So, all of the time management tips in the world will not magically erase these emotions that are actually leading you to mismanaging your time.

You have to go to the root and feel these emotions. The root emotion is fear, which then leads to overwhelm, anxiety, nervousness, etc. Once you start feeling the emotions: you will release them.

Then, it’ll be easier for you to manage your time because fear, worry, and anxiety are not controlling you anymore. They’ve been released.

Now, you can operate from a place of knowing, peace, and confidence.

This takes time! You don’t magically go from mismanaging your time to good time management in a day!

It’s a daily practice of slowly releasing the emotions that are blocking you and improving daily, which compounds into big results.

ALL of the time management tips will work once you learn how to manage yourself. NONE of them will work otherwise.

Here is a way to do this:

1. The next time it’s time for you to do something you feel even a tiny bit apprehensive about, I want you to stop and notice the emotions you’re feeling, and name them. Is it worry, fear, anxiety, panic, overwhelm? What are you afraid of?

2. Put your hand over your heart, close your eyes, and say “I release the (emotion) about 5-10 times (or more, depending on what you need)

3. Do the activity! Do it scared! Do it anxious! Do it worried! Keep releasing while you do your task, but don’t stop! If you continue to do the activity, you’re showing your nervous system that it’s safe! Which means you’ll feel less of those emotions the next time you do it!

Try it and let me know how it goes below!

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