Are Your women employees suffering from poor wellbeing?

You may feel STRESSED trying to figure out how to improve the mental health and well-being of your women employees

But look, it’s not your fault.

The dissatisfaction/unhappiness, lower engagement/productivity levels, and reports of feeling burned out by your women employees are not only affecting your organization.

It’s a nationwide epidemic.

It’s leading to record-breaking rates of women leaving their organizations due to stress, overwhelm, and burnout.

It’s leading to leaders scrambling for ways to retain and create a satisfying environment for their women employees.

The poor mental health and well-being of many women employees is part of why turnover costs the U.S. over $1 trillion annually (WHO).

It’s also why presenteeism (at work, but mind is somewhere else) leads to a loss of productivity, which costs U.S. organizations over $210 billion annually (WHO).

Can you imagine how much it's costing your own organization?

Thankfully, there’s ALWAYS solutions that are available to you!

No, the current situation is not hopeless.

You are not hopeless; nor do you have to figure out and implement a solution on your own.

Your organization can fight and overcome this epidemic by providing your women employees with mental health and well-being programs, which studies show have a ROI of 4-5x!

If you’re serious about retaining your women employees, improving their mental health, and growing every aspect of your organization, book a complimentary chat:


Your female employees face different challenges than your male employees


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