How to unlock your hidden brilliance

Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey…

Every single one of the brilliant people I listed above were intuitively guided to their discoveries and careers. They didn’t know why they kept taking the actions they were taking; they just knew they had to continue because “something” was pulling them in that direction, even when others thought they were crazy!

Jeff Bezos? He was considered crazy for quitting his well-paying job and starting Amazon. He didn’t know he was being intuitively guided to change the world; he just thought he was starting an online book store!

Oprah Winfrey? A young woman starting out in radio and aspiring to be a prominent TV host, then billionaire?

“She will never…impossible,” they said!

Steve Jobs? People thought he was losing his mind for all of his “impossible” and “unrealistic” ideas, but he just knew he had to keep going, and he created a technological revolution…

And just like them; we all have access to this same wonderful intuition to use in our own lives!

After starting to understand this, I started to think to myself, “I wish more people knew this; imagine the magnitude of brilliance that could happen on this planet if more people knew this!”

I wonder what type of magic you’ll be able to create in your own life if you started listening to your intuition! ​​👀


Most people’s minds are so hectic that they can’t even make simple decisions; they can‘t even hear their intuition in the smallest of decisions: what to eat, what to wear that day, which grocery store to order from, etc.

They never turn the volume down of their thoughts low enough to hear their intuition.

And it costs them their brilliance! Because your intuition is the key to unlocking your brilliance!

In order for you to develop the intuition (and faith) to make bold decisions in your life, you have to start slowly building the intuitive muscle, just like you would your glutes or triceps!

Here is ONE thing I want you to do to build that intuitive muscle. This is a small, but mighty exercise! It’s one of those exercises that compounds to have a monumental impact, and all of a sudden you’re like “WOW, I’m so strong now?”

The next time you have to make a decision when it comes to small, everyday things (eat, shop, clothes, etc)
1.I want you to take a few, deep breaths and focus all of your attention and concentration inside of your belly, not your mind!
2.I want you to ask yourself “if every decision was equally perfect, which would I pick?”
3.I want you to go with the first answer that pops into your mind! No “if”, “but”, or re-dos!
4. You may feel like you’re getting things “wrong” at first, but please remember it takes time to build any muscle; but the more you work on it, the stronger (and more accurate) it gets!

Are you ready to magnify the intuition and brilliance or yourself and your women employees?

Let’s have a complimentary chat:


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