Stop Running Away From Fear and Run Towards it like it’s Your Mama!

Stop Running Away From Fear and Run Towards it like it’s Your Mama!

Because it is! Well, kinda…

Your mom is probably overprotective, sometimes overbearing, and is scared a lot, huh?

BUT, at the end of the day, you know it’s coming from a good place so you forgive her…

Well, the same thing happens with fear.

It’s overwhelming, overprotective, and sometimes you just wish it would go away! Forever!

But it can’t! Because it’s meant to protect you! It’s an evolutionary mechanism that’s meant to stop you from thinking, “that’s such a cute and ferocious looking lion; I want to pet it”, and instead push you to run away!

That’s because for millions of years, our biggest problems were actually life threatening, so our brains have evolved to always look at anything new, difficult, or hard as scary and life-threatening.

Back then, it would’ve scared you from eating those unknown, potentially poisonous berries, and from going near that rival tribe’s community…

And now.. it scares you from taking courageous leaps in your school, career, and every other area of your life.

Will these things kill you like the lion, the poisonous berries, or the rival tribe?

No! But your brain doesn’t know that!

Just like your wonderful mama, your brain is blindly and fiercely brainwashed for one purpose, and that’s to protect you. So, have a little more sympathy for your brain, just like you would your mom.

And just like you comfort your mom when she’s scared is the same way you have to comfort yourself.

Here is a way to comfort your mo-…brain! I meant brain!

***The next time you feel fear in ANYTHING: sending a text, smiling at a stranger, homework, a presentation, etc, I want you to talk to the fear as you would your mother.
“Hey fear, I know you’re feeling scared and it’s okay. You’re going to be okay.” Close your eyes, focus on being inside your body, and repeat this a few times.

-Does this mean the fear will be completely gone? No, but it doesn’t need to be. Your mom may still be scared after you have a conversation with her! But she won’t be as scared as she was prior to that conversation, and that’s the key! ----Once you recognize the fear and comfort it a bit, it’s not as scary anymore. Your brain went from “this will 100% kill me” to “okay, well, maybe it won’t….” And that gives you enough courage to go on.
-Why for the small things? Because once you learn this process of comforting and transcending your fear, you’ll build an anti-fear muscle! And it only gets stronger and stronger the more you work it out!
-"This is too simple of an exercise, so it won’t work: I’m not going to do it”. Why not just try it so you can prove that it doesn’t work! 😉
-This is an exercise I do everyday, many times a day, and my anti-fear muscle only gets stronger and stronger! I’ve done things now that I would’ve rather crawled under my bed beforehand!

Are you ready to help yourself and your women employees overcome their fear (which is a large contributor to imposter syndrome)?

Let’s have a complimentary chat:


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